Toughening Penalties for Animal Abuse: For the Benefit of Society

Naerata Ometi MTÜ, Kuno Kompus,
  1. Ühisloomes
  2. Allkirjastamisel
  3. Riigikogus
  4. Järelkaja
Arutelu lõppenud

Arutelu tähtaeg:

🚫 Arvesse läheb vaid üks allkiri inimese kohta 🚫

Eesti keelesVene keeles (tõlge)Inglise keeles (tõlge)

We, the undersigned, strongly demand that the legislators of the Republic of Estonia take swift and specific steps to toughen the penalties for cruelty against animals. Recent events clearly demonstrate that current laws and penalties are not sufficient to prevent violence against animals.

1. Increasing Penalties: The current maximum imprisonment term for cruel treatment of animals – up to one year of imprisonment – is not sufficiently deterrent. We demand a significant increase in penalty rates to reflect society's disdain for violence against animals. 2. Increasing Financial Penalties: The increase in financial penalties for the cruel treatment of animals, so they are proportional to the severity of the act and would make abusers seriously consider the consequences of their actions. 3. Supervision and Rehabilitation Programs: Individuals punished for cruel treatment of animals should be mandatorily assigned to supervision and must undergo specially developed rehabilitation programs that address the causes of violent behavior and teach respect for all forms of life. 4. Public Awareness and Education: Increase awareness of animal rights and welfare through educational programs and public campaigns to prevent violence against animals.

We cannot remain indifferent to such acts that not only harm animals but also show the moral shortcomings of our society. We ask the legislators of the Republic of Estonia to respond quickly and enact the necessary legal amendments to protect our most vulnerable companions. It is time to show that Estonian society stands firmly against cruelty and values the welfare of all living beings.


  1. veel

    Koos Eestimaa Loomakaitse Liit-ga valmistada kohustatud reeglid mis kaitsevad loomade elu. Lubada ELL kontrollida koos MUPO-ga loomade talud, määrada trahvid. Koos MUPO-ga alustada kooliprogrammid, millised õpivad juba algklassist austada looma elu ja käituda vastutuslik. Käskida igal vallavalitsuse et teha vähemalt 1 munitsipaalne loomade varjupaik vallas. Iga PPA-s maakonnas peab olla vähemalt 1 politseinik, kelle ülesanne on tegeleda loomade kuritegevusega.

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